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J And Lilly's Story Behind J-OS



This Small Page speaks and explains as best as possible about the J Project, J-OS and Lilly Aizawa herself
This Website is Maintained by Neocities and keep updated by Lilly Aizawa

The J Operative System

|Also known as Just an Operative System by LillyDeVT|

Based from the early *NIX System Versions, J Is targeted as a CLI Operative System under MIT Licensing.

This "OS" started as a Linux Distribution using LFS and ALFS as well as BLFS, before Lilly left it to do something that she would later on name J-OS(Just A Operative System). Her idea soon after also becoming a (in her own words) "Technical and practical headache", this because of her idea of a "OS"'s structure, and her necessity to re-structure File-Systems and POSIX-Related Utilities. Stuff like Paths:


of which she'd turn into:


showing to us why she had explained "J" as a "Technical and Practical Headache", since though Interesting, This path formatting was going to cause her issues in J-OS(ASM), and later on in WSJ's Firsts revisions.

Nevertheless, J has been a incredible promise of something "new", and though we have some ideas of what J could turn into, J has not come a long way, it's development only starting in December of 2022 as a Assembly Language based project, this coming to a temporal pause in January of 2024, on which Lilly Commented:

Don't get me wrong, J is a great Project, But just the basic logic of J, Stuff like the Shell, Process Management and Memory Management are a living hell to implement, i do intent on maybe doing a release sooner or later, but at some point we'll have to wonder why OSDev is such a rare occurrence.

This highlighting Lilly's Struggle to get the bare basics of J in a Bare Bones Assembly Environment.

This of course before a BIG jump into her Codebase, Changing the Preferred Programming Language to C, on which Lilly commented:

Why C? dude, why not C?

it easy to read, way more documented than Assembly, and by far i avoid overwriting System Important Data or dealing with Data Pointers directly with Reg-Management.

Overall, i just like how way easier it is for me to use.

and for everybody else to read.

This Highlighting Lilly's effort to do something with J-OS, even though it seemed to really be a challenge.

Latest information we have, is followed by Lilly's declaration of why J had apparently ceased it's Standalone development.

Dude, creating a WHOLE Operative System from Zero, takes a lot of time, some of it of which i take reading and debugging, compiling and re-running.

All this takes a LOT of time.

Maybe it looks like if i forgot about J, but actually i keep working on it slowly, taking my time to work out the quirks of it and trying to understand fully what i am doing.

Overall, i haven't forgotten about J just yet, it is just veeerryy slowly taking form.

Yet again, though not much information, we do know that J might get some kind of development in future revisions, maybe at some point actually getting a Standalone release.

The J Project

The J Project(Also referred by Lilly as "Just a Programming Project) is a Programming Project made by LillyDeVT to target Personal Challenges and create Software that meets Her Own Requirements as for Free, Open Source and made in C.


"The J Scripting Language" "Just a Scripting Language for fun, nothing else"

The J Scripting language(Also referred by Lilly by "J-Lang") Is a Basic-Like Scripting Language written in C following the L.B.L.(Line By Line) Execution method, this "Programming Language" has been re-formatted and re-implemented COUNTLESS times, to the point of almost being a mystery on its own the HOW to use it.

The Syntax of J-Lang has been constantly changing for the last(five minutes), this always aiming for a unconventional Syntax and Straight up Nightmare-ish quoting and overall syntax, but Lilly's main Idea has remained equally as headache-maker with syntaxes like:

** This is a comment in J-Lang for WSJ
** Next ahead is Lilly's take on the `echo` command
write "Some Text!"
** the next directive, is a WAIT, same as Windows' `sleep` directive.
wait 1 
** next ahead Lilly's take on `mkdir`
mkd somedir
** and Lilly's take on `touch`
mkf somefile\txt
** thanks god Lilly left the next directive untouched

write "Done, JL Script"

this example script, would output:

[root]. \> ls
. [dir]
.. [dir]
a [dir]
rootDir [dir]
test\jl [file]
testDir1 [dir]

[root]. \> jrun test.jl
Some Text!
Waiting for 1 seconds...
Wait completed.
Directory created: somedir
. [dir]
.. [dir]
somedir [dir]
test\jl [file]

[root]. \>

Of course, "would" is the perfect depiction of Lilly's software, since her way to work causes many bugs that make this desired output sometimes not be always true.

Nevertheless, J-Lang has always been expected to be a WIP, of which we don't know what will the end-product will be.

Lilly Aizawa

A.K.A. @LillyDeVT/@Lilly_The_VCat/@JossYT156 Lilly Aizawa is a small developer from Mexico with a Masochistic liking for Programming stuff in languages like C/C++, C#, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Assembly and god forbid she knew Binary.

Her common projects have been variated, from small and less complex projects like her Neocities Website, and other as complex as her WSJ Project, because J(J-OS) couldn't just stay as a normal hidden project, she decided that she needed to torture herself through Windows methods and Compressing into Monolithic Binary SubSystems.

Lilly has 4 years in Software development, sometimes her inexperience showing off in her code structure and overall commenting methods, sometimes recurring to comments like:

// this function is as it is, don't touch it or you'll mess up everything.
// or do it, idgaf.

Though her attitude in code can sometimes be Childish to a extent, she has dived into several projects like J-Lang, J-OS, J-DRM-M and others alike on which she has played around with OSDev, Direct Rendering Methods and Programming Language design.

Overall, though she possess little knowledge, her energy to try and do her best shines through, always trying to make the next big piece of software(before she herself breaking it on the spot.)