J-OS: also denominated as `Just a OS` is a project of LDS started on 2022(with no experience on OSDev whatsoever) which started off as a prank on Discord
Soon becoming a project maintained by Lilly Aizawa(With the J Project using C and Assembly which now doesn't exist momentairly on GitHub because of Code-Issues and In-Dev features that didn't got approved by Lilly's standards on software quality.) and Techlm77(With his Linux-Based project)
Later on 2025 J would have its first-ever Big Step from Lilly, by being able to boot and start a basic shell interface inside QEMU as a simple ELF/PE loader
Though with visual bugs and important issues later commented by Lilly over discord by saying "I mean, it works, but the issue might actually be trying to boot into it on something other than QEMU", arising the suspicion that J might not be able to boot into Real Hardware just yet.
Of course, not only this has been the updates we've gotten on the J-PROJECT from Lilly's part, sometimes getting new pieces of software like WSJ (Windows Subsystem J), a project to use a J-Based approach using the Windows Power Shell as a base, which soon after got also a update through a X/Twitter post
Image of WSJ Running on Windows' Power Shell:
Image of WSJ's Source Code tree:
of course this can't be taken into full account for the depth that J has been promised to be, since this is not a "full from scratch" OS, instead being a "Sub-System" like approach, promising that J might not see light-of-day just yet.
As well, Lilly has also made other projects like J-Lang, a Scripting Language with a lot of Bugs and Issues, but that Lilly argues is a "Work In Progress, which seems very accurate given the images shared over X/Twitter by Lilly:
Image of the JLang Script Runner running on a Linux Terminal:
Images of the J-Lang Visual Studio Extension and the JLang Script Runner running on VSC(as well as a file named "jlang.asm" which we never got any information of):
Images of the JLang "IDE" which never went past the Alpha Tests:
even though it lastest Commit was on 2024 before going silent in many ways.
And the JSH project, which in Images shared through Twitter:
Images of the JSH project in their Best and Initial apparitions on Lilly's X/Twitter account:
But never got any official release or GitHub repo as of today, probably a Personal Project she never thought on releasing
Here Images of the first itterations of a change inside J's code by Lilly(posted on X/Twitter)